Peach Pistachio Tartlets

By Sandra Dusza

Peach Pistachio Tartlets


6 to 8 tartlets


For the tartlets: 

250 g wheat flour 

50 g sugar 

120 g margarine 

1 pinch of salt 

60 ml tap water 

Some flour and margarine for the molds 


For the filling: 

20 g vanilla custard powder 

2 tbsp sugar 

250 ml plant-based milk (e.g. oat or soy milk) 

If desired: 2 tbsp rum 



8-10 peach halves from the tin 

A few chopped pistachios 

As desired: Easter decoration 


1. Place all the ingredients for the tartlets in a mixing bowl and knead with your hands to form an even dough. After kneading, cover the dough with cling film and place in the fridge for 20 minutes. 

2 In the meantime, grease the tartlet tins with a little margarine and dust them with flour. 

3. After the chilling time, divide the dough into 8-10 equal parts and press it evenly into the tartlet molds. Prick the dough a few times with a fork before baking the tartlets in a preheated oven at 338 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes. 

4. Leave the tartlets to cool after baking. Meanwhile, mix the milk with the sugar and vanilla custard powder and bring to a boil so that the mixture thickens. If desired, the rum can be added shortly before the end of the cooking time. 

5. Immediately after cooking, pour the pudding evenly into the tartlet molds, smooth out and leave to cool completely. 

6. Once cooled, place half a peach in the middle of the pudding, sprinkle some chopped pistachios around it and decorate as desired.

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